Monday, May 17, 2010

Father- Son Camping Trip

Here are a few pic’s from this last weekend when Josh and I went to his first father son outing together. The pic with the sign was taken at the Gila Valley open house. The Bird of Paradise is in our backyard. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Photo Spring Cleaning

I was going through some of my old photos and found these on my hard drive. Thought you might enjoy them as much as I have.
These are photos from Halloween. My mother sent me these so I could help pick out the best costumes for the kids. Which ones do you think works best?
The last photo is how they ended up going. =) So adorable

Friday, April 24, 2009

Emily's Poem for the Talent Show

Emily performed recently in her school talent show at Greenfield Jr. High it is titled Fearful.

pitch black in the air
screams dying in the night, ghosts' chains scraping, clattering, clinging to the floor. The smoke of fire filling my lungs with gas pouring out of the trucks tanks only making the oxygen even more deadly. A graveyard, and in the very center a cottage. Bright flowers blooming and vines surround the magical place. Inside dark creatures of some kind lurk around only to lure their prey by the beautiness of the small house. Screams of horror return to the mind. Beads of sweat flowing down my face, making a puddle with each step I take. I am filled with emotions, sad and angry, but most of all scared of how my life ends. With the creatures staring me down to my fate as it creeps behind me to attack as I stray down an endless path.

GOOD JOB EM! We are so proud of you!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time for Reflection

Yesterday Jared and I had the opportunity to go to the Mesa temple for Baptisms and some quality time for reflection. Many things in life remind me that my savior loves me, he is there for me and will be no matter what happens. Lately I have been able to help out a loved one with some personal matters. She was not aware that what she was doing was wrong and how to correct it. My family and I are still in the process of helping her to see the light. The only thing that still constantly comes to mind is to just remind her that her savior loves her and wants the best for her. She needs to respect herself and be treated with respect by others, for that is what she deserves by being a Daughter of God. While I had my reflection time at the temple it became so clear to me that all I needed to do was be an example. Be the person she can turn to when she needs anything and by living my life to the best that I can, showing her how happy she can be and will be once she changes her lifestyle.
For all of you, just remember your Father and your Brother love you, enough to sacrifice for you and are ALWAYS there for you. Take care, and take some time out of your busy days to reflect.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rich & Kristi 22 Year Anniversary

Mom and Dad took a hot-air balloon trip by lake pleasant for their 22 year anniversary and took lots of pictures and footage. Here are the pictures the video might be up a little later =)

Mom and Dad took a hot-air balloon trip by lake pleasant for their 22 year anniversary and tooks lots of pictures and footage. Here are the pictures the video might be up a little later =)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New blog~

I have recently decided to create a new blog dedicated to my time in Idaho. For those who want to follow with me on my adventures, triumphs, trials, and success stories, come along!